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Meaningful Play With Your 6 Month Old Baby

So your baby is now 6 months old and starting to spend more active time awake- yay! You want to do the best for your baby but after spending another sleep-deprived night searching for the answer, you may end up feeling a bit lost by all the information out there. You are not alone! Whether you’re looking for some guidance on how to meet your child’s developmental needs, or just looking for some new ideas, we got you!
Logical Thinking

Published on 2022. August 26.
Written by Patricia
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Patricia is an early childhood educator and mom of two. She has been teaching in preschool and kindergarten for over ten years, and practicing Montessori at home with her children for the last three years. Her core value as a teacher and mother is respecting each child as the incredible individual they are and giving them a loving and safe environment in which to blossom.

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