0-12 Months
1-2 Years
2-3 Years
+3 Years
Vision, strength, belly time
Tummy time, sensory exploration, social awareness
Coordination, visual mastery, hand dexterity
Independence, motion tracking, conversations
Reading, playing outside, attention
Independence, compound movements, vocabulary
Kinesthetic learning, self-care, humor
Motor skills, real life, language skills
Memorization, strength training, socialization
Vocabulary, creativity, personality
Kinesthetic learning, self-care, humor
Motivation, reinforcement, obedience
Creative Thinking, Fine Motor Skills, Interactive Play
Vocabulary Expansion, Interactive Learning, Instant Fun
Cognitive and Language, Creative and Motor Skill
Motor Skills, Creativity and Imagination
Cognitive Development, Creativity and Innovation, Fine Motor Skills
Active Play, Creative Thinking, Cooperative Play